Kerry Wedding Photography Blog – Preparations for shooting a wedding

So here I am again…This Kerry Wedding Photographer is all set for another outing. In Sligo this weekend – it’s a long way from Kerry. But what a lovely drive, a pure pleasure to drive up the country across the West of Ireland landscape. Bliss. Now that I’m here I have a checklist to make sure I’m all set for the job at hand tomorrow.

Preparing for a big event like a wedding is no mean feat for any couple. Months of work, planning and decision making culminate in a great day. Nerves are high and the pressure is on for all those taking part in the day’s events. It’s no different for the wedding industry professionals, like me. Behind every couple are many industry professionals making sure that all their hard work goes off without a hitch too.

For every wedding I work on I go through a ritual worthy of a blog so here goes. A couple of days before the big day I unpack my entire camera kit and check every part. All lenses are cleaned and checked. All batteries are charged and CF cards formatted and cased for protection. I usually have 30 AA batteries in my bag for my Speedlite (flashgun), and each of these is checked for power levels before they go in the bag. I have a nifty gadget for’s tiny but very important. I have been caught-out before with one ‘dud’ in the mix causing the others to be drained more quickly. This can be a real pain, especially if you are in the middle of a set of photos , like the church interior shots for example. I usually know how many shots I can get from one set of batteries at this stage of my career.

Once checked, all gear is assembled and test shots done. I have to bring bags for everything in case it rains. That includes rain gear for myself and the camera. I carry a golf umbrella for myself and a heart shaped white parasol for the bride & groom in case there is the need. Thankfully I’ve only ever used it for a sunshade – which is a great accomplishment in this country!
As for the other bits and pieces…hair clips, talc, baby wipes, portable mirror, tissues, blankets, towel and a step ladder.
They all have their uses…there is many a mother of the bride glad of my clean tissues during a ceremony, I can tell you!
Booking form in hand with details of who and what to shoot on the day, all details engrained in my memory. Now, it’s time for sleep for a fresh start. Wish me luck, and see the fruits of my labours really soon here on my site. Ciara x

Kerry Wedding at Dromquinna Manor Kenmare July 2013