KFest Killorglin 2014

KFest Killorglin 2014
KFest Killorglin 2014 Co. Kerry, portrait photography in Macroom Co. Cork for a 50th wedding anniversary and a wedding photography shoot in Co. Wicklow all in 3 days. I am sitting here exhausted after a very busy bank holiday weekend of nationwide event photography. It never ceases to amaze me how diverse things can get from one job to another but thats the beauty of being an event photographer.
First on Friday a unique wedding in a stunning horticultural landscape the like of which I have never seen before. Hunting Brook Gardens in County Wicklow is a truly amazing location for a wedding and visually inspirational. The photos exceeded my expectations. But more about that another day.
Secret Cine Club at KFest Killorglin 2014

KFest was held in Killorglin this weekend. For the 2nd year running this arts festival hosts all sorts of art exhibits and events throughout many different locations in this pretty little town in central Kerry. The Kerry Secret Cine Club were delighted to be allowed to hold their cinema club outing this month as part of the KFest 2014. A rare treat indeed!
The Kerry Secret Cine Club is run by the Kerry Film Festival gang who stage a film festival in towns accross Kerry every October. The Secret Cine Club was set up to create a few events throughout the other months of the year when the festival is in planning mode. It keeps the faithful audience even more faithful. It’s super cheap at only €5 per showing which even includes a glass of red/white vino if you fancy it. The club are always looking for new members so if you have an interest in movies and want to join we would love to hear from you. Membership can be bought for the year for just €30 and as a club member you get exclusive access to Festival events every October.

As a member and official photographer for the Kerry Secret Cine Club I was so excited about the event we were holding this weekend in as part of the KFest Killorglin 2014. We were granted access to the disused mill in the town to host our monthly cinema club get-together for the showing of an Oscar winning documentary feature called “Searching for Sugar Man”.

As if it wasn’t exciting enough to be allowed into the Mill which I have been hoping to do for years .The film was a knockout too. What a story! A great crowd gathered many of them newcomers. I love watching newbies arrive for a Kerry Secret Cine night. They always look a bit scared of what they are letting themselves in for! But afterwards they never look disappointed and often chat after a showing complimenting the night’s experience and the film too.
Secret Cine Club Heaven
It really is a film lovers haven watching a film in a room full of respectful cinemagoers. No chatting, no phones, no noisy popcorn and sweet wrappers. And the best part is the discussion afterwards. Exchanging opinions about the film with film-makers and film lovers can get heated. We all love it. If you’re looking for a night of escape the Kerry Secret Cine Club is IT. Check out our Facebook page here. Please like and share the clubs page and spread the word. Kfest Killorglin 2014 seems to be have been a triumph this year and I wish them great success for next year. It looks like it will have a regular spot on the Kerry Arts calender. I’m already planning my photography project for submission next year.
For more info on the Kerry Film Festival 2014 and how to get involved check out www.kerryfilmfestival.com

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