Wedding Photographer Kerry – Weather Woes

Wedding Photographer Kerry -Weather
The excitement builds for me as a wedding photographer in the week or so coming up to any wedding. My wedding photographer kerry blog this week is about my most anticipated wedding to date. I had felt nerves like no other time this last weekend as Amy & Mark’s wedding day approached. We have had some unbelievable weather in Kerry over the last 3 weeks or so. I was watching with baited breath to see if storms were forecast for January 3rd the date of my first wedding photographer Kerry shoot of 2014.
Wedding Photographer Kerry -Lost Sheep Triathlon
I knew that if ever there was a couple up for braving the elements for their wedding photography then it was Amy & Mark. The two of them are accomplished triatheletes .They would never complain of any difficulties and would rise to the challenge if asked to. It was as a result of the Lost Sheep Triathlon in Kenmare in September 2013 that Amy & Mark had found me. I had covered some of the event in a blog back then. Some of my own family had taken part. They happened across the blog and sought out my services for their impending nuptials. Small world really.
Wedding Photographer Kerry -Storms 2013/14
There was a storm forecast for 2/3/4th January here in Kerry. As I checked my wedding photographer gear on January 2nd and charged my batteries I listened to the wind howling around the house .It was rattling the stove. I couldn’t sleep like the bride & groom I’m sure but for different reasons. A quick check online via Facebook and Twitter kept me up to speed on how Kenmare was faring. It was flooded but not too damaged it seemed.
The damage to the landscape was a factor as the beautiful coastal locations near Kenmare were taking a beating over Christmas. So I left in plenty of time to do a recce on the town and the Church. As a wedding photographer this should be standard pratice.Nothing major as the tide ebbed away. There was a fallen tree at the rear of the Park Hotel and another at the Church.
But we were good to go with our plan. Rain might be playing a part in the day but that’s the norm in Ireland. Thanks to the upbeat nature of the couple and their families I knew the day would work out all right. And so it did. Wellies and brollies at the ready we braved the weather and dodged the rain.
Wedding Photographer Kerry -The Park Hotel Kenmare
The Brennan brothers took great care of all the guests at the Park Hotel Kenmare during the wedding reception. They don’t host too many weddings there by choice and it certainly feels like an exclusive event in the luxurious antique surroundings on a winter’s evening. Hot whiskeys and mulled wine were the drinks of choice for all the guests at the drinks reception. I was delighted to see people enjoying the cozy surroundings and warming up against the cold windy and wet weather outside.

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